Vidalista CT 20 mg : Uses, Side Effects, Warnings, etc..

Vidalista CT 20 mg

vidalista ct 20mg is a phosphodiesterase 5 (PDE5) inhibitor used for the treatment of impotence (ED), also known as the inability to get a hard erection, in men. Vidalista is a most powerful medication that treats ED or erectile dysfunction in men for last long to 36 hours. Your doctor may also prescribe this to you if you have signs and symptoms of BPH (Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia). This drug is a composition of the medication that contains tadalafil which belongs to the group of medicine called phosphodiesterase type-5 inhibitor. It is used for the correction of erectile dysfunction in adult men and enlarged prostate gland problem as well. This medication works by preventing the action of a chemical called phosphodiesterase type 5, and it makes the blood vessels to relax and widen, resulting the flow of blood improved to the penis which results in sexual stimulation and erection.

What is Vidalista CT 20 mg used for

  • It’s a medical panacea for battling some of the pandemic blood flow-related disorders like Erectile Dysfunction, Hypertension, Hyperplasia, etc.
  • Cialis has been the traditional method for treating erectile disorder for more than a decade, but its extravagant rates have continued to shut the doors of medication for the men with who can’t afford it.
  • The accouchement of Vidalista CT 20 Mg has rosed the hopes of sufferers at affordable prices.

How to Take Vidalista CT 20 Mg

Take vidalista CT 20 mg medicine in the dose and duration as advised by your doctor. The effects last up to 36 hours, so you can enjoy the effects of the drugs for more than one day. Swallow it as a whole. Do not crush, chew or break it. It  is taken once in a day with full glass of water before or after food. Seek necessity medical treatment or contact the doctor in case of an overdose. Vidalista CT is a chewable tablet. That means, it must be taken orally and chewed rather than swallowed whole. Take the drug no less than 30 minutes before you plan to have sex. In some persons, the drug may take longer to work so you may want to take it 1-2 hours before to avoid embarrassment. Vidalista reacts when taken together with nitrates in any form, blood thinners, antibiotics, HIV medications, antifungals and recreational pills. You should therefore not take Vidalista without first talking to your doctor as taking it with thee drugs and certain conditions may adversely affect your body and its functions.

How Vidalista CT 20 Mg (Tadalafil) Works

Vidalista CT 20 mg is specifically PDE-5 inhibitor. It is increases the blood flow to the penis by relaxing the muscles in penile blood vessels hence, treating Erectile Dysfunction. It also treats pulmonary hypertension by relaxing the blood vessels in the lungs to allow blood to flow more easily. It works in treating erectile dysfunction by inhibiting the action of PDE5 to prevent breakdown of cGMP in the penis. Increased levels of cGMP lead to smooth muscle relaxation thus increasing blood flow to produce an erection. However, it does not cure erectile dysfunction nor it increases a man’s libido. This drug does not prevent pregnancy and the spread of sexually transmitted diseases.

Dosage of Vidalista CT 20 Mg

vidalista 2.5
vidalista 5
vidalista 10
vidalista 40
vidalista 60
vidalista 80
vidalista ct 20
vidalista black 80
vidalista professional
super vidalista

Side Effects of Vidalista CT 20 Mg

The first month of Vidalista CT 20 Mg intake projects some of the milder or bearable side-effects.
With the lapse of time, the majority of the patients get conditioned to the medicine.
The prominent side-effects:
  • a headache
  • pain in limb
  • back pain
  • nasal congestion
  • dyspepsia
  • myalgia
  • and flushing
  • palpitations
  • hyperhidrosis (sweating)
  • penile trauma
  • dizziness
  • blurred vision
  • Hypersensitivity reactions
  • tachycardia
  • hypertension
  • rash

Warnings/Precautions of Vidalista CT 20 Mg

  • If you are taking nitrates, you must avoid taking Vidalista CT 20 mg tablet or generic Tadalafil because it may cause a drop in your blood pressure. This is unsafe, especially if you have cardiovascular problems.
  • You should not consume this drug if you are using recreational drugs. They may interact with the medicine causing the unwanted reactions of your body to occur.
  • If you have allergies to its ingredients, you should contact with your doctor.
  • If you experience rash, swelling of the lips, difficulty breathing while taking this drug, you must call for immediate medical help. they are signs and symptoms of allergic reaction.

Storag of Vidalista CT 20 Mg

Store at space temperature level (20- 25oC). Secure from light and moisture. Do not store it in a damp environment. Keep out of the reach of kid and animals.

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  3. Vidalista CT 20 mg of Tadalafil as its dynamic fixing. Tadalafil is a medication that loosens up smooth muscles in vein dividers in this manner improving blood stream to certain body parts,
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